Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Great Depression Of The Roaring Twenties - 1001 Words

The roaring twenties was a time filled with hope and change. President Warren G. Harding promised a â€Å"return to normalcy†, which reflected his own conservative values and the voters’ wants for stability and order. Americans felt that they had been through more than enough, and desired prosperity. During the years 1919 and 1920 the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments were passed; the outlaw of alcoholic beverages and the right for women to vote, which ones of the many reasons society was turning their backs on Progressivism. Republicans were beginning to return to their previous dominance. The 1920’s was an economic boom for America, including everything from an increase in jobs, a rise in plentiful goods, new consumer products, and the reduction of taxes. The country was filled with jazz music, dance, and what appeared to be a brighter future. The 1929 crash of stock market was the beginning of a downward spiral leading in to the Great Depression. T he stock market crash is often to be confused as the cause of the Great Depression, although that is false. A few of the issues that lead to the Great Depression included; farming (which decreased in demand as farms increased through the states during World War I), banking, and mass unemployment. Capitalism took shape as what was once the individualistic Protestant work ethic was reshaped into industrial work on a grand scale. Each worker contributed to the greater good, and the workers were presided over by a bossShow MoreRelatedThe Great Depression And The Roaring Twenties1614 Words   |  7 PagesThe 1920s, also known as the Post War Era or the Roaring Twenties, is best known for being relaxed and carefree. The idea of economic stability and individual growth became more powerful following World War I. This decade proved to be one of the most exciting times for America. So what caused the 1930’s to differ so much from the 1920s? 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